Curated by Viestarts Gailitis
SKAN was taking place in an abandoned Soviet times pasta factory in outskirts of Riga. The building was
beautifully worn out, empty and untouched since the people and the machines left. We chose an old engine hall
to accommodate our sound installation "Resonator". It was originally made for a show at Andréhn-Schiptjenko in
2003. The room had interesting oil covered base structures on the floor and it was painted with surprising
green and pink paint.
The new actualization of the installation consisted of four steel plates, which were hanged from the roof
beams with thin steel cables. The plates made a scale of 2 x 2 m, 1,75 x 1,75 m, 1,5 x 1,5 m and 1,25 x 1,25 m
size. Small electronic motors, with a little asymmetric weight in its axle, were attached to each plate. At
right velocity the motors started to resonate with the steel plate creating four different sound frequencies
depending on the size of the plate. The motors on each plate switched on and off in random order and intervals
creating continuously changing soundscape inside the echoing space.