Leikkauspiste / Intersection
Pori Art Museum

Curated by Laura Selin

The installation is specially made for the courtyard of Pori Art Museum for “Intersection” group exhibition. The museum sculpture courtyard is a part of former street base between the museum building and old stone wall hiding the underground extension of the museum behind it. The shorter edges of the courtyard are glass corridors connecting the museum and its extension. The courtyard is in east-west axis which lets the Sun shine to the courtyard throughout all day in summer time.

The installation consists of longitudinally placed slowly rotating 21 meter long triangular mirror axis in the centre of the courtyard about one meter high. The slow rotation keeps the reflection on the mirrors in constant movement making the whole axis somewhat immaterial.

The axis is made of eight triangular mirror elements which are about 2,6 meters long and 10 centimeters wide. The elements are connected by the bearing joints placed inside the supporting columns. All the supporting structures of the mirror elements are made of anodized aluminum and stainless steel. A small electric motor is enough to rotate the whole axis because of its definite linearity and balance.

The installation is constantly reacting to the changing whether conditions and time of the day. Sun throws slowly moving horizontal reflections on the courtyard surfaces, the surrounding walls it and to the tower of the nearby town hall. The moving horizontal reflection line reveals the typography of the surrounding surfaces. When the Sun moves from east to west during the day the reflections move to opposite direction. Even when the Sun is not shining the mirrors throw just recognizable reflection on the surrounding surfaces.